Sunday 21 October 2012

Electromagnetic field and its effects:

What is Electromagnetic field(EMF)?

EMF (Electromagnetic fields) radiations are hidden lines of force that surrounds any electrically powered equipment that is connected, plugged in or turned on. They are created by electrically charged objects. EMF are made up of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving together(radiating) through space. EMF is the combination of Electric and Magnetic fields- Electric fields are created by variations in voltage and Magnetic fields are created when electric current flows.

File:VFPt Solenoid correct2.svg

Source : Wikipedia

Effects of EMF :

The possible effects of EMF on human health is dependant on the frequency and intensity of the EMF. Though the effects of EMF on human health is under debate, precaution is better than suffer.

There are proven studies/research that link EMF radiation to cause of serious diseases like cancer, brain tumors, leukemia, and others.

EMF safety limits have been made srict in the developed countries

EMF radiations are emitted from mobile phones, computers and appliances, airport and military radar, power lines, home wiring, substations, transformers, and all possible electric devices that comprise of our day-to-day use.

They cause blindness, brain tumors, leukemia, birth defects, miscarriages, chronic fatigue, headaches, cataracts, heart problems, stress. nausea, chest pain, forgetfulness, cancer and other health problems.

According to the present scenario, it is obvious to be affected by various radiations. So, you have to protect yourself from EMF effects and other stresses for a healthy life.

Q-link products support the body's innate intelligence, energetic systems and inbuilt capabilities - working like a series of optimally vibrating tuning forks to constantly resonating with, tune, enhance and support the body's own natural healthy frequencies.

Stay tuned to our blog know about EMF, it's effects, and more...

Call us at 0422 3209849 if you are interested to know more about our products.