Friday 29 March 2013

Fun - Coffee drinking

Have you been advised not to drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day.

Here is the cup you were searching for : )


Tuesday 19 March 2013

Radiation and its effects - Anti Radiation and Misconception

What is Radiation?

Radiation, for starters, is the energy that is emitted or transmitted in the form of rays, waves or particles through space/air.


For example, Cell phones emit Electromagnetic Radiation. The reason is that the cell phones use Radio Frequency waves to make/receive calls/texts. 

Mis conception

There has been no conclusive/strong evidence that these radiations affect our health long term. Though, it is no wrong in helping ourselves protect from Radiations. 


It has been noted that many companies use the public concern about the radiation issue. They make money by marketing cheap anti radiation chip for mobile mentioning that those help you protect from Radiation. The reality is that these non-standard anti radiation products doesn't protect you from any kind of radiation and their effects.


Check and use Anti-Radiation devices that are standard and effective -


Let us keep discussing more on this in the forthcoming blogs.