Wednesday 28 November 2012

Govt announces radiation norms for mobile phones, towers

The government on Monday notified new and stringent electromagnetic radiation norms for mobile-phone towers and handsets. The guidelines will come into effect from September 1, CNBC-TV18


PGA Pro, Bruce Fleisher tells us why he uses Q-Link!

The tournament before the Senior Open, I put on the Q-Link and finished second.


The next week I went out and won the Open.

I definitely feel calmer since I began wearing the Q-Link. I would have to say in situations where I hit a bad shot, it didn't bother me as much. I find it easier to recover now from a bad shot. I don't know how it works or what it does, but if you ask me if I'm going to take it off, I say hell no! You don't fool with success!  My demeanor is calmer, I'm not as uptight, and my anxiety level is a lot lower than it ever has been. I feel a lot more at ease; I don't get upset on the golf course. I don't get too high on birdies, and I don't get too low on bogies, I just keep chugging along. I don't have to pay for this thing, but believe me, I would! It helps! Quite a few guys are wearing it. It's not coming off!
Signed: Bruce Fleisher - SPGA

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Sunday 18 November 2012

Radiations emitted from Computer :

Previously we discussed about Electromagnetic Radiations from mobile/cell phones. Now we shall discuss about the radiations emitted from computers. Computer radiation is a growing problem. In our day to day life, we tend to use more laptop computers and mobile phones that are equipped with WiFi. Both are known to emit harmful radiations that affect us in different ways.

It is high time that we should be aware of what effects does these technologies cause to us, particularly on our health. Some common effects of computer radiations are headaches, eye blurriness, suffocation, depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, concentration failure, tiredness and skin rashes. Never underestimate the influence of computer radiations and make yourself ill.

Here are some simple precaution tips to make yourself protected from the radiations emitted from computers !!!
  • Do not sit too close to your monitor screen. Make sure you place your eyes with a distance of 50 to 70cm away from the screen to reduce the risk of EMF radiation from computers

  • Always use your laptops on battery rather than using it from direct supply

  • Adjust the brightness of your computer that it is not too dark or too low for your eyes. The brighter the screen higher the radiation

  • Don't use your laptops on your lap, always place them on a desk and sit in a ease position. Using a laptop pad may avoid radiations

  • Using radiation filter screens on your desktops, TVs may protect your eyes upto 80% of radiations affecting your eyes

  • Before using your computer make sure that you have taken skincare protection to your face. Apply a thick layer of moisturizing products such as nourishing lotion, toner, essence etc to your skin

  • When you use your computer more than 6 to 8 hours per day, then don't forget to rinse your face often to eliminate some of the radiation particles that may get cling to your face which causes wrinkles, rashes, skin dryness and rough. Washing your face helps in reducing 70% of radiations

  • If possible, avoid using old model computers because they produce radiations thrice higher than the radiations produced by new model computers

  • Placing your computer in the right place is important in reducing the radiations because the strongest radiations are produced from backside of your computer. Pay attention that you place your computer with high ventilated cooler or fan

In this busy world, people may not find time to take proper precautions in protecting themselves from several radiations. In such case, Q-link helps you in offering with new and exciting addition, programmed with over 100 natural frequencies known to support the biofield.

Q-link is compact and feather-light so it won't get in the way. Just attach it to a device where it will come closest to your body.  

More upcoming updates and latest information on various radiations are right on the way! Make sure that you visit our blog frequently.

Call us at 0422 3209849 if you are interested to know more about our products.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Protecting yourself from Electromagnetic Radiations

Radiation is the energy that passes through space in the form of waves. The radiation that is produced fromelectronic devices are Electromagnetic Radiations. These radiations are present in most of the electronic devices, that we use day-to-day, because they use Radio Frequency (RF) to operate. The Tissues, nearest to where the electronic devices are placed, can absorb this energy and hence have ill effects to health.

Cell phone/mobile phone is one of the most common of such electronic devices. Presently, the number of cell phone calls per day, the duration of each call, and the time people spend using cell phones have been rapidly increased. Studies have proved that too much of exposure to mobile phones may cause diseases like blood pressure, direct brain warming, tumors and a lot more.

Here are few tips you can take to protect yourself from the effects of mobile phone radiations.
  • Limit the usage of mobile phone to essential purpose only

  • Do not place your mobile phone besides your pillow while sleeping. Keeping your phone 30cm away from your head reduces 95% of radiation affecting your brain

  • Children should avoid using/playing with mobiles because their developing brains and body get affected soon by absorbing radiation at three times faster than an adult's rate

  • Do not put you mobile phones in your pocket or belt when it is in use. Mobile phone placed in your shirt pocket may cause heart attack. Men who wear mobile phones in their belt could have their sperm count dropped by more than 30% due to high radiations

  • Avoid making calls when the signal strength is too low, because the radiations from the phone will be high in order to pull more power from towers

  • While making a call, avoid placing your phone next to your ear. Wait till the call gets connected

  • Always use air tube headset instead of using your mobile directly

  • Avoid using mobile phones in lifts, automobiles because they are enclosed with metal, where your device pulls more power for connection. The metal enclosure acts as radiation absorber and reflects back on you

  • Search for mobiles phones with low SAR (Specific Absorption Rate). The SAR level is measuring the level of radio frequency (RF) energy that is absorbed by human body. Many mobile phones have its SAR mentioned in its specifications


Last but not the least, the easiest way to protect yourself from EMF Radiations is to use Q-Link Products

When you use your mobile phone, or listen to music on an mp3 player, hold your game player or otherwise - the Q-link focuses and strengthens the biofield's ability to support your body's natural defenses to EMFs and other stressors.

Stay tuned to our blog or Call us at 0422 3209849 if you are interested to know more about our products.